Friday, February 28
12:00 Joel Karsten - Straw Bale Gardening 101, discover why this amazing method has exploded in popularity world-wide
1:00 Mary Wheatley – Master Gardener – Growing and cooking with fresh herbs.
2:00 Terry Gibson – Master Gardener – Growing in pots.
3:00 Joel Karsten - Straw Bale Gardening 101, discover why this amazing method has exploded in popularity world-wide
4:00 Greater Louisville Bonsai Society – Bonsai Education
5:00 Janet Miller – Louisville Rose Society – Rose Education
6:00 Joel Karsten - Straw Bale Gardening 101, discover why this amazing method has exploded in popularity world-wide
Saturday, March 1
12:00 Joel Karsten - Straw Bale Gardening 101, discover why this amazing method has exploded in popularity world-wide
1:00 Chase Stetson - That Lawn Dude
2:00 Margaret Shea - Dropseed Native Plant Nursery - Native Plants
3:00 Joel Karsten - Straw Bale Gardening 101, discover why this amazing method has exploded in popularity world-wide
4:00 Marlena Wolf - Edible Gardens Inc. - Native Planting Plan
5:00 Joel Karsten - Straw Bale Gardening 101, discover why this amazing method has exploded in popularity world-wide
6:00 Greater Louisville Bonsai Society – Bonsai Education
Sunday, March 2
12:00 Joel Karsten - Straw Bale Gardening 101, discover why this amazing method has exploded in popularity world-wide
1:00 Janet Miller – Louisville Rose Society – Rose Education
2:00 Joel Karsten - Straw Bale Gardening 101, discover why this amazing method has exploded in popularity world-wide